
Traffic and accomdation problems are increasing and government should encourage some business to move from cities to rural areas. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Traffic and accomdation problems are increasing and government should encourage some business to move from cities to rural areas. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

People argue that entrepreneurs should move their businesses to suburban areas so that various problems could be solved. Although there are some drawbacks of this policy, I believe that these are outweighed by the benefits.

On the one hand, the movement of organizations from metropolitan areas to the outskirts could adversely affect their operation. The first problem is that the new location could be far from company’s target customers. As a result, these potential customers would choose other alternative products or services in the city instead of traveling a huge distance to other provinces to meet their needs, which makes a significant reduction in firms’ revenue. The other major problem is that companies might face the risk of losing their high-quality workforce. It becomes clear that not everyone is willing to settle down in the suburbs where there is a lack of restaurants, shopping centers and public transit vehicles, and they would seek another job to maintain their current living standards.

On the other hand, I believe moving business centers from cities to suburban areas would be much more beneficial. Firstly, such relocation of organizations could help to relieve overcrowding in urban areas. The clearest example of this is that people from rural areas, who work for those companies, would no longer have to travel to city centers to work, thus reducing the demand for accommodation and the intensity of traffic during peak hours. Secondly, by adopting this policy, these firms could create more job opportunities, boosting the development of deprived areas. For example, countryside dwellers can opt to work in factories with higher pay rather than agricultural work, which can help them improve their standard of living, thereby paving the way for the growth of national economy/ a robust economic growth

In conclusion, while I acknowledge that companies could be affected when relocating to less-developed provinces, I believe that the governments should implement this policy because of considerable benefits to our society.

323 words