
 Economic progress is one way to measure a country’s success. Some people believe that there are other factors should be considered when measuring a success of a country. What are other factors? Do you think there is a factor that is more important?

Economic progress is one way to measure a country’s success. Some people believe that there are other factors should be considered when measuring a success of a country. What are other factors? Do you think there is a factor that is more important?

Some people argue that the economic development is the only factor that could determine how a nation grows and changes. However, I believe that there are many other essential factors measuring this success.

The first factor would be environmental conditions which are of vital importance to human life. The growth of a country could not be regarded as a success if it has a robust economy while its natural habitats are destroyed severely and the environment is polluted. It seems to me that this unsustainable development is a failure as the survival of numerous people is being threatened. Another important indicator is the social stability, which is related to social programs and social service. It becomes clear that no one wants to live in a country which is wealthy, but full of social unrest, such as prostitution, public violence or human trafficking. If the unemployment could get assistance and subsidies or a minority could get equal opportunities of education and employment, we can say that this country is advanced.

However, the most important factor is the political system because it has an enormous impact on other factors, thus measuring the development of nations. From the economic perspective, a peaceful nation would attract investment from multinational companies, and in the long-term, it is political policies that would make a significant contribution to the well-being of that country. In fact, in some countries, terrorism, rebellion, and revolution due to a multi-party system had damaged the structure of the economy and deterred enterprises from operating and investing. From the social perspective, the policies of local authorities directly affect the community. For example, the poverty could be shaken off if the government allocate fund to this pressure issue in a proper way. The efficiency of policies in terms of dealing with social problems is definitely a sign of success.

In conclusion, I would contend that what makes a country successful is not its GDP or other economic indicators, but its environment, social harmony and particularly its stable political system.