
Space travel has been possible for some time and some people believe that space tourism could be developed in the future. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

(17/6/2017) (7/6/2013) Space travel has been possible for some time and some people believe that space tourism could be developed in the future. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

Another IELTS writing test in 2013 about Space

Space travel to the moon is considered as “a step of mankind.” But some people think that space travel has made little difference to people’s lives today. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


The universe has fascinated many people since time immemorial, and with technological advancements, their wishes of traveling into outer space could be fulfilled in near future. While I accept that this development has certain positive effects, I would argue that it has a largely negative impact on societies.

There are several reasons why space tourism is a positive trend. Firstly, from an individual perspective, space voyages would offer people new experiences and knowledge that they always desire for. For example, travellers would have the chance to see celestial bodies, wear spacesuits, eat vacuum-packed foods and live in weightless conditions like astronauts. Secondly, the growth of space tourism creates countless job opportunities, which could help tackle the problem of intellectual unemployment. Clearly, in order to operate a spacecraft, it requires not only scientists and astronauts but also technicians and engineers.

I am of the opinion, however, that space tourism would cause detrimental consequences. Perhaps the principal reason is that this development would put a huge strain on the government’s budgets as space projects cost a substantial amount of money, ranging from building space shuttles and training pilots, to conducting test flights. It seems to me that spending those funds is neither practical nor ethical as many poor people are suffering from hunger and diseases. The second reason is that it also has the potential for catastrophic disasters, which can cost human lives. All the crews in the Apollo One, as an example, died due to an explosion, and this might happen again to travellers.

In conclusion, I would contend that space tourism is a negative trend, although I acknowledge that it could benefit some people to some extent.

277 words

Another positive idea might have put in the essay:

Finally, this step might pave the way to the quest for a new homeland since it increasingly becomes difficult to live on the Earth.

The universe = the cosmos:

Since time immemorial

Space travel = space voyages = == space tourism = travell into outer space

See Celestial bodies: nhìn thấy những thiên thể

Wear spacesuits, to eat vacuum-packed food, to live in weightless conditions: mặc trang phục phi hành gia, ăn thức ăn đóng kín chân không, sống trong điều kiện vô trọng lượng

Intellectual unemployment: thất nghiệp lực lượng chất xám

Cost a substantial amount of money: tốn số tiền lớn

Buidling space shuttles/ spacecraft: xây dựng các

Training astronauts: đào tạo phi hành gia

Conducting test flights: thực hiện các vụ phóng thử

Catastrophic diseases: tai nạn khốc liệt

pave the way to the quest of new homeland: mở đường cho cuộc tìm kiếm vùng đất ở mới

Some ideas:


–  the chance to discover the mysteries of the universe, understand the cosmos

– Offer new experience, weightless condition

– Learn to endure hardships and discomforts

– Space tourism business, space commercialization, offer jobs: scientists, astronauts, technicians, and other professionals

– Paved the way to/Be the precursor to the quest for a new homeland


– to cost a substantial amount of money, expensive initial set-up costs; training and educating astronauts, building rockets and space shuttles, developing technology for space missions, conducting test flights.

– Pour money into space research/ travel is not practical nor even ethical, only benefits the rich; should better be spent on pressing

– to have the potential for catastrophic disasters (thảm họa khốc liệt) could cost human lives

Eg. The Apollo 1 manned mission, for example, ended when its crew members were killed in a cabin fire as they conducted a launch rehearsal test. The Challenger space shuttle exploded less than two minutes after liftoff, killing all of its seven crew members.

Other vocabularies: space voyages, the conquest of space, spacesuits, helmets, Vacuum-packed food

Some useful links: