
The government should invest money in teaching science rather than in other subjects for a country’s development and progress. To what extent do you agree or disagree

The government should invest money in teaching science rather than in other subjects for a country’s development and progress. To what extent do you agree or disagree

People have different views about whether government budgets should only be spent on providing the knowledge of science subjects to help their country develop. While I accept that countries could reap many benefits from this policy, I would argue that it is better not to neglect other subjects.

On the one hand, there are several reasons why it can be argued that putting an emphasis on teaching science-related subjects significantly contributes to the well-being of a country. Perhaps the first reason is that many of the scientific breakthroughs heavily depend on the knowledge of mathematics, physics, and chemistry. In the field of medicine, for example, it is impossible for scientists to carry out research and successfully invent new drugs without considerable in-depth knowledge of chemistry. The teaching quality of these subjects should, therefore, be continuously improved so that we could have great scientists in the future. The other major reason is that studying science subjects requires learners to have sensible thinking and problem-solving skills, which is likely to boost their imagination and creativity. Such capabilities are of paramount importance to coming up with technological innovations, and these advancements could help a country to gain a competitive edge over other countries.

On the other hand, I am of opinion that the government should not underestimate the benefits that other subjects bring to the development of the country. Firstly, in the era of globalisation, international trade plays a pivotal role in the economy of any countries and those trade activities could not be taken place if language barriers still exist. This means that common and universal languages should be encouraged to be taught in schools so that school leavers and graduates could do business with people from abroad. Secondly, subjects such as geography or biology equip students with knowledge of natural habitats and species, which could help them to be aware of the importance of environmentally sustainable development. It becomes clear that the growth of a country would stop and even decline if its wildlife species became extinct and natural resources were exhausted.

In conclusion, although I acknowledge that the government allocating resources to teaching science subjects helps a country progress, I believe that it is also necessary for other subjects to be taught.

370 words